A slot is a narrow opening, or hole, used to accommodate something. When you slot something into another thing, it fits snugly and securely. A slot in a schedule or program is a time for an event to occur.
The term “slot” is also a verb that means to insert into a position or groove. This could be a physical slot on a reel or a mental slot for a task to be done. When you say, “He slots into the conversation easily,” you mean that he knows how to fit in and be part of the group.
Slot is also a game where players place bets to spin the reels and try to win money. These games can be found at many casinos and are often called fruit machines, pokies, puggies, or one-armed bandits. They come in a variety of themes, rules, and payouts.
Depending on the type of slot machine, a player may be able to use paper tickets, cash, or credit to activate the machine and start spinning. Once the symbols line up on a winning payline, the player will receive a payout based on the amount listed in the machine’s pay table. The pay tables are typically displayed above or below the slot’s reels, and on video slot machines, they can be accessed in the help menu.
Because they usually line up a few steps off the line of scrimmage, Slot receivers must be able to run precise routes. They’re also usually much shorter and smaller than outside wide receivers, so they need to be fast. They’ll also likely block more than their outside counterparts, blocking or chipping nickelbacks and safeties on running plays and performing a crack back block on defensive ends on passing plays.
The Slot recommender API analyzes slot usage and buckets it into percentiles, which are then compared to on-demand pricing. It provides recommendations for reducing costs and estimated performance impact.
The Slot recommender analyzes your slot utilization data and provides you with recommendations for lowering your on-demand prices. It will also tell you if you can save money by switching to flat-rate pricing, or if you need more resources to meet your demand. You can see these recommendations in the Chart options pane, under the Pricing Model list. The recommendations appear next to the graph of historical usage. You can filter by projects or all projects to view specific recommendations. The recommendations will be sorted by estimated cost and performance impact. The higher the recommended savings, the greater the potential performance gain. You can also choose to display only recommendations that meet a certain threshold. This way, you can focus on the highest-impact areas first. The default threshold is 99%. You can select a lower threshold from the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the chart.