A slot is a small opening, depression, notch or slit. It can also be an opening in the leading edge of an aircraft wing, which improves airflow.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines slot as a narrow opening or depression used to receive or place things. A slot is also a term for the opening between the primaries of some birds, which allows air to flow smoothly over the wings.
In a computer, a slot is a connection between a processor and motherboard that was developed to make processor upgrades easier. The first Slot was designed by Intel Corporation in 1997, and later AMD released a larger slot known as Slot 2. Today, most computers don’t use slots, instead using sockets.
Historically, the word slot is associated with a rectangular space between the blue line and face-off circles in ice hockey or field hockey. It is derived from the Latin verb sleutana, which means “to enter.” The word is cognate with German Schloss.
A slot-based scheduling system is a tool that managers can use to arrange meetings and other appointments across different departments within an organization. It helps to keep track of multiple deadlines and establish consistency throughout a workflow.
Python’s Slots are a relatively simple way to store values, but they can be used for many other tasks as well. They allow you to store True/False values, categorical values, and even a list of values. They can be untyped, allowing you to create your own custom data structures.
Slots can have variable number of arguments, and they may have an at or connect-level function that emits a signal and connects new slots. These functions can be useful for communicating with other components, but be sure to pass the signal information correctly.
Casinos are a popular place to gamble, and they have security systems in place to keep their patrons safe. These security measures include elaborate surveillance systems that monitor every aspect of the casino, as well as computer chips that determine machine payouts.
Some casinos have slots in their buildings that allow them to monitor video feeds from all windows, doors, and tables. These systems are a great way to prevent suspicious activity and ensure the safety of patrons.
A person who is addicted to gadgets or technology might be considered a slothead, which is another informal word for the same thing. Slotheads often use their gadgets at inappropriate times, such as while in the shower.
Informally, a slothead can also be a person who spends too much time playing games or watching television. These people have a hard time finding time to get work done, and they can become overwhelmed by their devices.
To slot someone into a schedule is to find them between other plans, such as an appointment with a doctor or meeting with a friend. It’s a very common way to communicate and find time to see people.
The American Heritage Dictionary lists several other uses for the word slot, including a job opening, a copy desk interior, and an airport slot that’s authorized by an air-traffic authority. This is especially true in everyday speech, where slot can refer to a job at a magazine or newspaper, an interior space in a copy desk, or an airport slot that’s authorized by an airport authority.